PARFI INGENIEROS INSPECTORES ASOCIADOS C. LTDA. is rated 3 out of 5 in the category maritime. Read and write reviews about PARFI INGENIEROS INSPECTORES ASOCIADOS C. LTDA.. PARFI ING. INSP. ASOC. Ltd. is a legally registered company, according to the pertinent and effective Laws at the moment in the Republic of Ecuador, from the 12 of May of 1978. It was first in its sort in the country and the coast of the Pacific. It is a company positioned in local, national and international market like a Station of Inspection, Certification, Maintenance and Provision of Safety Equipment of numerous construction brands. We direct this activity to all type of marine national and international transportation. For this objective we count with functional facilities in the city of Guayaquil and Manta, as our factory and our administrative offices. PARFI HAS THE ACREDITATION OF MORE THAN 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ACQUIRED, THE PERMANENT UPDATE OF THE PERSONNEL IN THE REQUIREMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONS ON WORLD-WIDE SCALE, RELATIVE TO THE BENEFIT OF SERVICES IN THE SECURITY FIELD OF THE SHIPS. We offer and we guaranteed the security of the equipment and systems that are inspected in the ships and the protection to the human beings who are immersed in this process.
Av. Bolivar Madero a 200 mtrs de SENAE
Company size
1-10 employees
Duran, Guayas